Chrysalis Johnson (Vision) has enjoyed over 22 years of success as an entrepreneur. During this time, he has developed a proven method to help people create their own Frameworks for Success." He is currently cultivating the new generation of grassroots activsts as the director of Vigilant America 501(4)c corporation.
Some notable recent business accomplishments:
In 2015, he created a white-label video marketing app called Strategic Visionary Video. This revolutionary tool not only helped increase video engagement, users were able to make revenue as a reseller.
In 2016, he dominated the Video SEO niche will 300 top ranked videos on He also developed the world's first VSEO audit tool.
In 2017, he developed two cryptocurrency trading tools. BitTrhead and Full Spectrum Trading grossed $50,000 in total revenue in 45 days during the Bitcoin boom.
In 2018, he moved into private funding and consulting. He helped non-profit clients raise over $100,000 in grant funding. He helped business clients raise a total of $1,000,000 in private funds.
In 2019, he has been focusing on creating social and political change. He created Vigilant America to help others become involved in grassroots action.
Over the past 5 years, Vision has created several viral YouTube video campaigns and numerous successful branding campaigns.
As a social media marketer, he has built several major online communities. On Facebook alone, he is the admin over a total of 5,000 engaged members.
He is also the inventor of an innovative market penetration strategy called Hashtag SEO.
As of March 2019, he is the only person in the world performing this type of marketing analysis, planning, and implementation.
What's next for Vision?
He is currently writing his first full-length book about economics, race, and the future.