Business advisor; plain language communication strategist, tactician, and evaluator; familiar with legal industry, marketing, and health literacy
After practicing law, I moved on to * providing business advice and redesign, * professional marketing and communications * coaching professionals, and * workplace training. I have trained and worked as a personal and business coach. I am also an international expert and leader in using plain language to engage your audience.
We reprinted a number of Cheryl's articles in The Timesheet, our company's monthly e-newsletter focusing on work/life balance and legal humor. Cheryl's work as a "mentor/muse" and coach to lawyers is extremely valuable.
Additionally, as a lawyer who concentrates in legal research and writing, I applaud Cheryl for her involvement in the plain language movement.
As a lawyer concentrating on legal research and writing, I am very familiar with the plain language movement and support its goals. Cheryl is to be commended for her leading role in developing plain language resources in Canada. Cheryl is also a creative and compassionate person, and a pleasure to have as a valued professional colleague.