Instructional Designer and Online Course Facilitator specialising in Wordpress Membership sites and using Social Media to engage all learners
I want to improve membership sites, and the calibre of teaching within those ecourses. I want all of us to not only create the most amazing courses, but expect others to do the same.
We need to see teaching for what it really is – an opportunity to help others grow and learn.
I work with entrepreneurs, like you, who want to create the very best online courses.
Teaching is about engaging people, inspiring and helping them learn what they want to learn. You get that – and like me, you want to make a switch from focusing just on the content you create to focusing more on your people.
You know that this type of course will take more time to create, but the value you provide is worth it.
Who Am I To Teach You How To Teach?
First and foremost, I am a teacher but as you may have guessed, I don’t teach a subject, I teach people.
Offline I have the honour to teach the extraordinary, the uninhibited, mostly fun but sometimes tough group of kids usually defined by their learning disability.
And online - well online I reach the world!
I saw the potential to teach online and so in 2006 I completed a Masters of Online Education. For the past 5 years I have created online learning courses for students, parents and peers using online learning platforms such as Moodle, Blackboard and Wordpress.
And again I saw that the key to successful learning was not content or technology, but interactions. Personal interactions increased both student motivation and active learning. Personal Interactions ensured a higher rate of understanding and learning.
And here we are. Both at the same place. So why don’t you join me as we create a new education system online.
Teaching matters. People matter. So let’s start creating Courses That Matter.